Connect With Other Ministerial Directors in Your Union

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Connect With Other Ministerial Directors in Your Union

Chances are you already know some of your colleagues from around your union, but even if you don’t, reach out to them right away. If you do not already have their contact information, you can find it here.

Your colleagues will be a wealth of information and support for you. They have already dealt with such things as establishing relationships with pastors, working with conference administrators, implementing intern development programs, planning for workers meetings, and all other things Ministerial. Most will be happy to share their experiences if not their resources, and you will find building a relationship with them fruitful and personally rewarding.

Your colleagues can also make excellent presenters for your own training and workers meetings events. When you connect with them, be sure to ask them about areas of strength that you can tap into when you need an experienced expert to be a presenter for you at some future training event or pastors meeting. Next...