Pastoral Care of Pastors and Their Families

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Pastoral Care of Pastors and Their Families

Pastors in your conference are no different than lay members when it comes to personal needs and the need to be a part of the healing body of Christ. That means they, too, need pastoral contact, though it is not easy for pastors to confess that they themselves need pastoral care.


Your role as pastor to your pastors cannot be understated. And just as with lay members of any church, often times pastoral care for pastors is best administered in a personal way. And, often pastors have unique needs that go beyond that of lay church members due to their work as a pastor and as an employee of the conference. Here are some of the things we will look at in this section:


1.Visiting Pastors and Their Families

2.Counseling/Urgent & Crisis Management

3.Ideas for Affirming/Encouraging Pastors

4.Aging/Retirement Preparation

5.Single Pastors

6.Two Pastor Families

