Adventist education seeks to develop a life of faith in God and respect for the dignity of all human beings; to build character akin to that of the Creator; to nurture thinkers rather than mere reflectors of others’ thoughts; to promote loving service rather than selfish ambition; to ensure maximum development of each individual’s potential; and to embrace all that is true, good, and beautiful. (Journey to Excellence 2.0)

The Mid-America Office of Education supports the six local conferences in enabling learners to develop a life of faith in God, and to use their knowledge, skills, and understandings to serve God and humanity. We work with the North American Division Office of Education in developing resources that assist educators and work with Mid-America conferences and schools in implementing the vision.

The vision is also supported by serving as the teacher certification agent for the North American Division. Our certification registrar maintains records for each teacher in the Mid-America Union and issues denominational teacher certificates based on the requirements in the North America Division PK-12 Educators’ Certification Manual. Each of the teachers and administrators in Mid-America are required to hold denominational certification.

The Office of Education also works closely with the North American Division Commission on Accreditation to ensure that all Mid-America schools are accredited to operate as Adventist schools. This process holds a school accountable for its own objectives, assures the church and constituency that the school offers programs of quality, and provides professional personnel. This process is the basis for continuous school improvement, evaluation, and accreditation.

The ultimate goal of the Mid-America Office of Education is to work with the local conferences and division  in providing “something better” to our learners.

LouAnn Howard is the director of education and serves as the associate for early childhood and elementary education. Gerard Ban serves as the associate director for secondary education. Kristi Griffith is the teacher certification registrar, and Barb Engquist is the office administrative assistant.

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