The ministerial department’s primary mission is to enhance the ministry of pastors in Mid-America by coordinating, equipping, supporting, and empowering local conference ministerial directors in their professional and personal lives as they, in turn, care for the pastors in their individual conferences.

Among the services we make available:

  • Host a collegial information sharing network for ministerial directors of our six constituent conferences.
  • Provide or highlight resources to local conference ministerial directors that enable pastoral professional growth and spiritual activity
  • Plan and host pastors conventions in Mid-America
  • Accept speaking appointments for pastors’ meetings, camp meetings, special church weekends, and church worship services
  • Assistance in strategic planning and creating functional structures for congregations upon request
  • Encourage participation in field-based education programs such as the Master of Pastoral Ministry program from Andrews University to refine and hone the skills of our pastoral ranks and establish professional parity across our field
  • Conduct continuing education opportunities around the union as requested by MAUC and local conference administrations
  • Provide pastoral leadership coaching upon request
  • Plan and host retreats and workshops for specific pastoral groups as requested by MAUC and local conference administrations


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