Church Ministries provides leadership and support to our six local conferences in the areas of Children’s Ministries, Young Adults, Sabbath School, Small Group Ministries, Health Ministries, Personal Ministries and Evangelism, and Family Life and Recovery.

Evangelism and Small Groups

The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to share the everlasting gospel with the entire world. The most effective way to accomplish that mission is through small groups in the local church. Specific seminars and materials are provided to help pastors and small groups within the church as they share the everlasting gospel in preparation for Christ’s soon return.

Family Life

Because so much of what impacts an individual’s spiritual development happens as a result of family issues and needs, Family life covers a wide variety of ministries. Seminars and materials for specific needs are provided and encouraged. Such seminars include materials for singles, premarital counseling, parenting skills, and marriage enrichment.

Recovery and Spiritual Development

The good news of the gospel extends to healing the brokenhearted, binding up the wounds of those who are emotionally damaged, setting at liberty those who are held captive by addiction, and aiding those who are victims of abuse. Specific seminars and materials for individuals and families seeking recovery from abuse, emotional damage, and depression are provided.

Adventist Community Services is the humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that works within the United States and Bermuda. Adventist Community Services meets people’s immediate needs through social services including:

  • Tutoring and mentoring programs
  • Youth volunteer groups
  • Health screening
  • Education
  • Inner city missions
  • Disaster response

In the Mid-America Union, Adventist Community Services Disaster Response provides services to disaster victims, their families, and communities. When disaster strikes, local church and conference disaster coordinators evaluate the damage and situation, and then take appropriate action. Collection centers are designated to receive donated items and distribution centers are set up to serve the needs of victims with clothing, household items and other items. If needed, Adventist Community Services Disaster Response manages warehouse operations where donated goods are stored and organized for distribution. It also provides door-to-door visitations, listening posts, and pastoral care for disaster victims’ emotional and spiritual needs.

During the summer season, youth camps are part of many children’s summer activities, and provides a fun experience with the opportunity to make new friends, while participating in outdoor activities in an environment intentionally committed to strengthening the camper’s relationship with God and His creation. 

Together with National Camps for the Blind, camps in the Mid-American Union also provide special opportunities for blind children and adults are able to enjoy the camp experience, providing self-confidence and motivation to participants.

The Mid-America Union is home to 8 summer camps and organizes events throughout the year to enhance the summer camp program. Camp facilities may be rented for church, corporate, or family events. Each camp has a variety of facilities and opportunities available to you.

Children’s Ministries

Empowering Leaders. Impacting Kids.

The GraceLink curriculum you have been accustomed to using over the years for your Sabbath School classes will be discontinued at the end of 2024 and a new curriculum, Alive in Jesus, will take its place in January of 2025. To view an introductory video and curriculum samples and download a more extensive brochure, including scope and sequence, features and foci, and teaching framework, visit:

Contact your conference Children’s Ministry leader for more information.

Adventurer Club

Adventurer Club is a comprehensive ministry focused on parenting skills. The age group is seven to nine years of age. Clubs meet weekly or monthly in local churches. Awards are earned by the children and parenting skills are learned by the parents. Yearly events include special fun days and campouts organized by the local conferences.

Pathfinder Club

Pathfinder Club is the scouting ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Clubs meet weekly in local churches. Meetings incorporate earning honor badges and working on progressive class work. Camping skills are enhanced by campouts. Events, including camporees and fairs, are planned by local conferences.

For more information visit

Providing practical resources, training, and mentoring opportunities to youth leaders and their youth, and creating a youth ministries presence in every church.

Mid-America Union Adventist Christian Fellowship Institute – Aug. 8 – Sept. 2, 2024


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