Pastoral Development

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Pastoral Development

In additional to your function as pastor's pastor, professional pastoral development is at the core of your work as Ministerial Director. It is your task to be at the ready to help bring resources, training, mentoring, and coaching to bear in an effort to help nurture life-long learning and growth in your pastors.

This can be accomplished through training events, small groups, intern development processes, continuing education, and personal attention by you, as Ministerial Director, to an individual pastor as the need and opportunity arises.

Appropriate areas of pastoral growth and development:

Ethical Leadership

HIPAA Privacy Guidelines

Coaching/Coaching Training

Conflict Resolution

General Pastoral Resources


Pastoral Evaluations

Core Qualities

Starting Well

Finishing Well

Finances in the Pastor's Family


Note: There are several items in the above list for which we are awaiting content. We will update the manual with the content as we receive it.